Recent performances
See below for a list of past concerts. Where available, you can enlarge the poster, or download a copy of the programme or review. More information will be added over time.
June 2024 - Henry Purcell's Dido and Aeneas
with a baroque accompaniment
An evening of baroque music by Henry Purcell. Two of his earlier songs were accompanied by an orchestral opening, then in second half, his ever popular Dido and Aeneas. Four outstanding guest soloists - Rebecca Leggett, Danni O'Neill, Andrew Tipple and Hugh Cutting. A copy of the programme can be found here.
March 2024 - Stainer's Crucifixion and Fauré's Requiem
with the Southeast Sinfonia Ensemble
Two popular works, one very much oriented towards Easter. The soloists were Sean Kerr (tenor) and Keiran Rayner (baritone) with a splendid treble for the Pie Jesu provided by Harry Cassidy. A copy of the programme can be found here.
December 2023 - The Manchester Carols
with the Southeast Sinfonia Ensemble
A very well received performance of this new selection of Christmas carols, with words by the former Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy, and set to music by the English composer Sasha Johnson Manning. The soloists were Lawrence White (baritone) and Eleanor Dann (mezzo). Narration was provided by Francesca Hunt. A copy of the programme can be found here.
May 2023 - Haydn's The Seasons
with the Southeast Sinfonia
Haydn's popular follow-up to The Creation, with Jennifer Witton (soprano), Edmund Hastings (tenor) and Andrew Rupp (bass) as soloists. A copy of the programme can be found here.
Dec 2022 - A Christmas Concert
with Gavin Stevens on keyboard
A seasonal mix of choral works, carols and readings in which we were joined by the choir of Heathfield Community College. Choir works included pieces by Vaughan Williams ("Folk Songs of the Four Seasons"), Finzi ("In Terra Pax"), Rutter ("Angel's Carol") and Chilcott ("On Christmas Night"). Soloists were Theodore Butcher (treble) and Rene Bloice-Sanders (baritone). A copy of the programme can be found here.
May 2022 - A Walk to the Paradise Garden
with The South East Sinfonia
A celebration of English music, including works by Frank Bridge ("A Prayer"), Vaughan Williams ("Serenade to Music"), and Paul Carr ("Requiem for an Angel"). Soloists were Sian Dicker and Rene Bloice-Sanders. A copy of the programme can be found here.
December 2021 - Handel's MESSIAH
with The Baroque Collective
An exceptional performance as the choir returned to indoor performances following Covid. The soloists were Jennifer Witton (soprano), Cathy Bell (mezzo), Paul Austin Kelly (tenor) and James Oldfield (bass). This was also the choirs 75th anniversary concert. A copy of the programme can be found here.
July 2021 - Mozart Requiem
with Gavin Stevens on keyboard
The first post-lockdown concert - outside, under a canopy, at Heathfield Community College. Despite unseasonal weather, both the choir and the audience were delighted to take part. The soloists were Jennifer Witton (soprano), Bethan Langford (mezzo), Joshua Owen Mills (tenor) and Andrew Davies (bass). A copy of the programme can be found here.