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This page has useful information for choir members. Use the links below to jump to the section required.



Latest Covid situation

Key dates 2024

Practice information

Concert dress






Current Covid situation 


If you are feeling at all unwell, or have any Covid symptoms, please keep away - it's better to be safe than sorry! If you do test positive, please let us know immediately and follow the national guidelines regarding further testing and isolation. You can notify the secretary or chairman - or



Key dates 2024 


  • May Bank Holidays - We will be rehearsing, please come if you can.

  • 8th June - Summer concert - Dido and Aeneas

  • 2nd September - start of term, AGM

  • 9th September - Open rehearsal

  • 30 Nov - winter concert, details tbd




​Practice Information


Although we prepare each work thoroughly in rehearsal, members are also expected to practice pieces at home as well. This is particularly important for new singers who may be less familiar with the  work, or who are developing their abilities. Fortunately, there are a number of websites which offer useful tools that help you to practice on your own, without the rest of the choir!


One of the best is Choraline, which provides each individual voice part with its own line, played by a specific instrument. You can then hear your part emphasised, against the background of the other parts. You can download MP3 files, or order CD's. See

For a 10% discount, when you checkout type HEATHFIELD into the discount box and click the green circle to the right, and it will apply the discount.


Other useful sites include:

Choralia (

Cyberbass (

Chordperfect (

Learn Choral Music (  - highlighted voice parts for many choral works



Concert Dress



Black trousers, black open-neck shirt, black shoes and socks



Black trousers or skirts to the ankle, black tops with long sleeves. Avoid sparkle and lace

Black shoes and tights. No sandals or boots



Please avoid:

     - loose change in pockets

     - too much deodorant, perfume and aftershave

     - bangles and beads that rattle

     - bling!


No water bottles on stage during performances unless authorized by Sebastian.

Black folders are used in concerts and are available, for a small fee from Nick (librarian)



Key dates 2020
Concert Dress



Tickets & Publicity


We rely on tickets sales to support our activities, and it's always much more enjoyable singing to a full hall! We hope that all members will sell at least two tickets per concert, and in this way  every concert should be a success. In addition, we will provide flyers and posters 6-8 weeks before each concert, please help make sure these are displayed / distributed as widely as possible.




We expect members to attend all rehearsals and concerts where possible. If you know you are going to be away please let Jenny (membership) know, or Sebastian if you are away for a couple of weeks or more. 







Heathfield Choral Society

Registered Charity No. 295293

Musical Director: Sebastian Charlesworth

Honorary President:  Laurence Cummings OBE

Affiliated with Making Music

Member of EADCA

Site Content © Heathfield Choral Society 2023

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